Carl Benz School of Engineering Benz School... · 2017. 11. 24. · Engineering Energy Engineering Curriculum of the Bachelor Program What`s the program all about? The B.Sc. program - [PDF Document] (2024)

Carl Benz School of Engineering Benz School...· 2017. 11. 24.· Engineering Energy Engineering Curriculum of the Bachelor Program What`s the program all about? The B.Sc. program - [PDF Document] (1)

International Mechanical Engineering Bachelor Program & Summer Schools

Carl Benz School of EngineeringMechanical Engineering College

of the Karlsruhe Institute of Technology

KIT - The Research University in the Helmholtz Association

Carl Benz School of Engineering Benz School...· 2017. 11. 24.· Engineering Energy Engineering Curriculum of the Bachelor Program What`s the program all about? The B.Sc. program - [PDF Document] (2)

Carl Benz School of Engineering Benz School...· 2017. 11. 24.· Engineering Energy Engineering Curriculum of the Bachelor Program What`s the program all about? The B.Sc. program - [PDF Document] (3)

Mechanical Engineering College of the

Germany is well-known for its developing capa-bility and manufacturing high-end goods of value and quality. German products, especially from the mechanical and automotive engineering industries and those resulting from electrical and optical manufacturing processes, are highly successful on the world market. Mechanical engineers from Germany have always had an excellent reputation and are in high demand worldwide.

Such engineers are the result of a very successful and systematic education in the engineering sci-ences. German technical universities have been educating and training budding engineers for over 250 years. The Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (KIT) is one of them. Outstanding rankings and evaluations vouch for the standard of research and education at KIT worldwide. It is located in the German federal state of Baden-Württemberg, a leading area with the highest innovation perfor-mance in Germany due to its technology centers, Karlsruhe and Stuttgart. These two cities are the top locations for leading companies like Bosch, Siemens and Daimler.

The Carl Benz School of Engineering is the Mechanical Engineering College of the KIT. The school offers outstanding international students the opportunity to study mechanical engineering in English at KIT. Carl Benz School students also have the opportunity to take part in technological innovations happening in the laboratories of the outstanding institutes. Besides receiving an excel-lent education, the graduates will also meet the


demands of international companies looking for prospective world-class engineers and scientists.

The Carl Benz School strives to offer the best education and training in mechanical engineering in close cooperation with industry to nurture and prepare new leaders in engineering, development and production.

Carl Benz and Gottlieb Daimler, two distinguished engineers who changed the world by laying the foundation for the production of cars and deve-loping the automobile, also lived in the vicinity of Karlsruhe in their time. Carl Benz was a student at the Karlsruhe Polytechnic College which is now known as KIT. History connects the Carl Benz School to its roots of quality and excellence and provides a network for future graduates. We are proud of our heritage. The institution provides the perfect environment to educate potential future pioneers in new technologies.

Prof. Dr. Herbert Kohler

Chairman of the Industrial Associates Board of the International Department of the Karlsruhe Institute of Technology gGmbH

Vice President Group Research & Sustainability

Chief Environmental Officer Daimler AG


Carl Benz School of Engineering Benz School...· 2017. 11. 24.· Engineering Energy Engineering Curriculum of the Bachelor Program What`s the program all about? The B.Sc. program - [PDF Document] (4)

Bachelor Program in Mechanical EngineeringThe Benefits


The Carl Benz School of Engineering (CBS) offers high school graduates the unique oppor-tunity to study internationally renowned German engineering in English. The three-year bachelor program (B.Sc.) aims to prepare future engineers for a successful career in the field of mechanical engineering.

The Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (KIT) is ranked #1 in mechanical engineering amongst all German universities (also see page 6) and achie-ves numerous top placements every year. As the Mechanical Engineering College of the KIT, the CBS does not only offer high-quality lectures by excellent professors of the KIT. All students recei-ve an individualized all-in-one service package, support, additional training and study guidance in order to develop their professional profile.

Basic criteria for admission include excellent grades in mathematics and physics. Furthermore, appli-cants must be proficient in the English language. Recommended High School degrees are an Inter-national Baccalaureate, A-Level or Abitur.

What̀ s unique?Elite Teaching & Small Classes

CBS offers state-of-the-art technology expertise in English programs from one of the most prestigious technical universities

in the world. While mechanical engineering classes at KIT allow for 600 students in the 1st-semester, the CBS admits a maximum of 50 students.

Study the Future of Engineering

The B.Sc. is divided into core studies in the general field of Mechanical Engi-neering, including a specialization in

Automotive Engineering, Global Production Management and/or Energy Engineering.

Strong Industry Network

Many graduates are keen to enter the Ger-man labor market. To facilitate this, intern-ships are part of the program. As part of

the specialization Global Production Management students even participate in the industry training program SmartFactory@Industry.

Secure On-Campus Housing

CBS offers all in one: Campus accommodations and academics as well as leisure facilities (i.e., a music room)

can all be found under one roof.

Study & Career Guidance

CBS provides students with support regarding everyday questions with individualized study guidance as well as

with a personalized career service.

International Orientation

CBS is diverse, open-minded and very internationally oriented. There are more than 90% international students on cam-

pus and our alumni come from over 50 countries around the world.


Carl Benz School of Engineering Benz School...· 2017. 11. 24.· Engineering Energy Engineering Curriculum of the Bachelor Program What`s the program all about? The B.Sc. program - [PDF Document] (5)

Mechanical Engineering College of the

3 y



Bachelor Thesis

Intermediate Studies

Bachelor of Science (B.Sc.) of the KIT

Industrial Internships


Global ProductionManagement


Energy Engineering

Curriculum of the Bachelor Program

What̀ s the program all about?The B.Sc. program at the Carl Benz School comprises lectures, tutorials, and lab courses with lecturers and tutors coming from diffe-rent institutes of the KIT. This ensures that the quality of the subjects taught meet the highest standards.

To make sure that the students are well-pre-pared for the final exams, some subjects even require students to fulfill certain criteria, for example, to score enough points by completing assignments or quizzes in order to register for the examination.

In addition to the academic demands, students are also encouraged to complete an industri-al internship. The industry training program SmartFactory@Industry is new and unique worldwide within the specialization Global Production Management. The traineeship will foster the career perspectives of our students our German industry partners and provide them with an industry network including potential employers at a very early stage of their acade-mic career.

The program is rounded off by supplementary studies, such as language courses, cultural studies, soft skills courses and social events.


The Student Association of the CBS „The Student Association of the International Department (SAID) is a student led and run organization that acts as the connection between students of the Carl Benz School, the student office, and the accommodation office. We provide students with guidance and support throughout their university studies and initiate strong social interaction through our many educational, interactive and exciting events during the semester. On top of that, the SAID works closely with the student office to provide students with industrial insights through the organization of company visits and talks. Most importantly, we strive to make every student’s university experience a memorable one.“

Alex Rohregger (1st one from the right)CBS student and former president of the SAID

Carl Benz School of Engineering Benz School...· 2017. 11. 24.· Engineering Energy Engineering Curriculum of the Bachelor Program What`s the program all about? The B.Sc. program - [PDF Document] (6)

Bachelor Program SpecializationsThe Most Promising Topics in Engineering

Automotive Engineering

The automotive industry is currently experien-cing a drastic boost in innovation with regard to the development of marketable electro motors, optimization of combustion engines and light-weight design.

Students who choose to specialize in Auto-motive Engineering profit from the fact that the automotive industry is Germany’s largest industry sector with a turnover of approxima-tely 404 billion Euros in 2015, covering 20% of Germany`s industry revenues overall. Ten out of the 100 largest automotive suppliers have either their headquarters or one of their sub-sidiaries near Karlsruhe. At the KIT more than 40 institutes with 800 scientists are conducting research for safer, more comfortable and more efficient cars.

Energy Engineering

The specialization in Energy Engineering is the best choice for those who want to pursue a future career in an ever-expanding and increa-singly important sector.

Students learn about forms and sources of energy, energy production and storage. They also study the management of energy as well as the utilization of renewable energy sources and learn about economic efficiency in the energy industry and the understanding of technical combustion systems, e.g. engines and turbines.

Global Production Management

Production management is a vital key to the operation of companies. This specialization opens doors to countless career opportunities, including the new dual training program SmartFactory@Industry.

Students learn about production planning and control, production logistics, distribution centers, the optimization of logistical networks, material flow processes and project management. The evaluation of methods in terms of technical and economic aspects and virtual product development processes (product lifecycle management) are also important.



Carl Benz School of Engineering Benz School...· 2017. 11. 24.· Engineering Energy Engineering Curriculum of the Bachelor Program What`s the program all about? The B.Sc. program - [PDF Document] (7)

Mechanical Engineering College of the

Hands-On Industry Training: SmartFactory@Industry

The smart factory is already part of today‘s production industry, which means that engineers need know-how for the integration and extension of these digitalized factories. In cooperation with indus-try partners, CBS offers the integrated industry unit Smart Factory@Industry within the specialization Global Production Management.

This dual training program aims to enhance the technical and interdisciplinary profile of mechanical engineering students. Students will be able to build up networks with potential employers at a very early stage of their academic career.

Advanced MathematicsComputer Science in Mechanical EngineeringMaterial Science Mechanical Design Engineering MechanicsManufacturing Technology

Electrical Engineering & ElectronicsAdvanced Engineering MechanicsAdvanced Mechanical DesignTechnical Thermodynamics & Heat TransferProduction Operations ManagementWave Phenomena in Physics


Business EnglishTechnical EnglishGerman A1-C2


Negotiating in an International Environment | Presentation &

Professional Application |Academic Writing |

Intercultural Awareness



Vehicle Comfort and Acoustics | Electrical Machines | Machine


Automotive Engineering

Technical Combustion | Heat & Mass Transfer | Fundamentals

of the Energy Technology | Energy Economics

Energy Engineering

Global Production | Global Logistics | Virtual Engineering |

Automated Production Systems | Human Factors Engineering |

Special: Smart Factory@ Industry

Global Production Management





Machines and Processes | Fluid Mechanics | Measurement & Control Systems

LanguageInternational Project

Management | Working Methods in Mechanical


Carl Benz School of Engineering Benz School...· 2017. 11. 24.· Engineering Energy Engineering Curriculum of the Bachelor Program What`s the program all about? The B.Sc. program - [PDF Document] (8)

China: Carl Benz Engineering Academy

Starting in 2017, the Carl Benz School is hosting the four-day Engineering Academy for future engineers at the

KIT Branch in Suzhou, China. Exciting work-shops, lectures and industry visits provide great insights into the world of mechanical engineering. Lecture topics focus on the com-pelling subjects of mechanics, mathematics and thermodynamics and are exemplified within practical workshops.

Additionally, insights into the specifics of what it will be like to study mechanical engineering at an international university are offered. The young talents learn about future job per-spectives of an engineer with an international profile. Parents of the bright students are also invited to the last day of the summer school to listen to a separate, exclusive presentation and are welcome to ask any questions about studying, engineering or life as an international student.

Each year the CBS summer program provides high school students with a passion for mathe-matics, physics, and technology (ages of 16 - 19) with an inside view of mechanical engineering studies in Germany. Students are taught by high-ly qualified professionals and benefit from a full range of activities, cultural trips and workshops. In addition, students are well supervised by a team of summer school counselors who make sure students are safe and happy at all times as well as making sure the summer school is fun, full of laughter and that all students make friends from around the world.

Germany: The Carl Benz Summer School

The aim of the one-week course is to offer s unique combination of enginee-ring courses and leisure activities. The

lectures and excursions focus on railway system technology, automobiles, robotics, energy and virtual engineering. Participants also have the chance to experience various hands-on activities during the workshops. The visit to the world-famous Daimler AG completes the academic agenda.

Many exciting excursions acquaint students with Karlsruhe and the German culture. The highlight of the excursions will certainly be the visit to the most popular theme park in Germany – the Europa-Park in Rust.

The Carl Benz Summer School is a great oppor-tunity to gain first impressions of student life in Germany and to learn more about a possible future career in engineering!

Summer SchoolsSneak preview into Mechanical Engineering

For High School Students



Carl Benz School of Engineering Benz School...· 2017. 11. 24.· Engineering Energy Engineering Curriculum of the Bachelor Program What`s the program all about? The B.Sc. program - [PDF Document] (9)

Mechanical Engineering College of the


Carl Benz, looking back on his studies in Karlsruhe

Carl Benz – A Passion for EngineeringNow & Then: Mechanical Engineer Careers

The CBS as the Mechanical Engineering College of the KIT is very proud to be named after Carl Benz. At the roots of his studies, the school aims to educate bright engineers with an inno-vative mind-set to follow in his footsteps, and influence the technological developments of tomorrow.

Carl Benz - The Inventor of the Automobile

Carl Benz was born in Karlsruhe, Germany in 1844. Benz was able to study Mechanical Engineering at the KIT – at that time, the Poly-technical College. He graduated in 1864 with a degree in Mechanical Engineering.

Early business misfortunes did not prevent him from developing new types of engines and from patenting key engine components. These patents, among them the patent for the first internal combustion engine, soon led to sub-stantial revenue increases. Carl Benz’s true genius became obvious thanks to his successive inventions, registered whilst designing what would become the production standard for his two-stroke engine. After years of testing and modifications, Benz created the first commer-cial vehicle, the Model 3, an automobile with a four-stroke engine of his own design between the rear wheels. It was gasoline-powered, the power being transmitted by means of two roller chains to the rear axle with wooden wheels. This became the first production automobile.

What followed has been the birth of the success story of one of the global key players in the automotive industry, the DAIMLER AG.

Brilliant Career Perspectives Nowadays

Being a mechanical engineer can be very exciting these days as graduates can be a part of tech-nological innovations such as the development of next generation electric cars and new tech-nologies for robotics. As a mechanical engineer, they can get involved in the processes of design, manufacturing, testing and in even in the sales department of a product or device.

Employment of mechanical engineers is expected to grow about as fast as the average for all occupations until 2024. But mechanical engineers can work in many industries and on many types of projects. As a result, their growth rate will differ depending on the industries that employ them. Students are therefore advised to carefully choose education programs regarding the most recent advances in technology.

Mechanical engineers often work on the newest industrial pursuits. The fields of alternative ener-gies, remanufacturing, and nanotechnology may offer new opportunities for occupational growth. Nanotechnology which involves manipulating matter at the tiniest levels for example, may affect the employment of mechanical engineers because they will be needed to design production projects on the basis of that technology. Nanotechnology will be useful in areas such as healthcare and desi-gning more powerful computer chips.


Stepping Stone to an International Career „Studying at the CBS was my stepping stone towards an international and diverse career start. Being immersed in a multi-national study environment has nurtured my passion about connecting people with different backgrounds in order to form a strong team. Besides the valuable set of soft skills with regard to leadership, I truly learned to dive deep into technical topics and develop my own approach to engineering. Currently, I am an active trainee for Daimler’s top talent program called “CAReer”. My projects are spread around the globe and took place on three continents. My company offers exactly the balance between inter-national opportunities and high-level engineering which fascinated me about the CBS. All in all, I can only recommend starting your academic path in Karlsruhe as it equipped me with all skills necessary to succeed in my professional life.“

Anna Schmitt, CBS Alumna

Carl Benz School of Engineering Benz School...· 2017. 11. 24.· Engineering Energy Engineering Curriculum of the Bachelor Program What`s the program all about? The B.Sc. program - [PDF Document] (10)

This priority represents the perfect basis for an English-taught International Mechanical Engineering Bachelor Program at the Carl Benz School of the KIT.

KIT Infrastructure

Carl Benz School students benefit from the comprehensive university infrastructure of the KIT. For example, they have access to the 24/7-Library, the cafeteria or the KIT culture, music and sport offerings. As a university with a long mechanical engineering tradition the KIT has numerous student organisations rela-ted to engineering where students can put the theory from their lectures into practice. There is for instance a formula student team (KA-RaceIng), a group working on autonomous model cars (KITcar), students building and flying sailplanes (Akaflieg) or a team for inno-vative field robots (KaMaRo Engineering e.V.).

The Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (KIT) is one of the leading universities for mechanical engi-neering in Germany and Europe. Outstanding rankings and evaluations vouch for the standard of research and education at the KIT*. This is without any doubt the most beneficial result of the 2006 merger of the Karlsruhe Research Centre and the former University of Karlsruhe, which dates back to 1825. Currently, the KIT is one of the largest research and teaching institu-tions in the world. Students also rate mechanical engineering studies in Karlsruhe among the top programs in Germany due to a systematic, balan-ced curriculum and excellent teaching staff.

Mechanical Engineering at the KIT

The Department of Mechanical Engineering at the KIT comprises more than 20 institutes, which manage student courses and research in the various branches of engineering. The department is consistently awarded top reviews for all its activities.

Nationwide, the KIT is one of the universities most strongly engaged in research. Nevertheless, admidst all the research and teaching activities of the department, the importance of practical relevance is stressed. Main aspects are energy and environmentally-friendly technologies, auto-motive research and technology, materials science and technology, product design and develop-ment, production technology and mechatronics, and micro systems technology. A particular specialty is theoretical mechanical engineering. This fundamental and methodological research in mechanical engineering is counterbalanced at the KIT and complemented by application-oriented research. The department benefits greatly from its international connections and its many research collaborations with the industry.

Learning and cooperating of multi-modal robots



The Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (KIT)Study with the Best


#20 #1

QS Employability Ranking

worldwide | Germany


Carl Benz School of Engineering Benz School...· 2017. 11. 24.· Engineering Energy Engineering Curriculum of the Bachelor Program What`s the program all about? The B.Sc. program - [PDF Document] (11)

Mechanical Engineering College of the

Karlsruhe - In the Heart of EuropeA Great Place to Live and Study

COST OF LIVING(Monthly expenses as a student)

Public Transportations (if necessary) 120 €

Food 170 €

Rent 300 €

German Health Insurance 70 €

Entertainment, Leisure & Sport 150€

DID YOU KNOW...?Karlsruhe‘s Location:In the heart of Europe, it offers easy access to mountains, lakes, rivers, forests, castles, skiing and other outdoor sports.City‘s population:

300,000Students at the KIT:

25,000What‘s special about Karlsruhe?Its unique fan-shaped city architecture was a role model for Washington DC in the USAKarlsruhe is also called „the city of justice“, since the German Federal Constitutional Court and Federal Court of Justice are seated there


Frankfurt Airport as Europe‘s 4th largest airport is only one hour away by train

The Technology Region Karlsruhe is one of the leading commercial and innovation regions in Europe

The federal state Baden-Württemberg, where Karlsruhe is situated in, is one of the safest states in Germany


T E C H N O L O G Y REGION WITHIN A LEISURE PARADISEKarlsruhe offers direct access to the world renowned Black Forest, it is surroun-ded by numerous lakes for swimming, the Rhine, one of Europe‘s most important rivers, runs through it, and it has a direct view of the French Alsace region.

Students therefore enjoy a high quality of living with a wide variety of leisure acti-vities and are surrounded

by nature.


Max. average monthly temperature (July)

1,935 Annual hours of


Karlsruhe offers something for everybody`s taste with its acade-mic centers of excellence in music, art, design, media and technology.

Museums & GalleriesThe world-famous Center for Art & Media Karlsruhe, called „ZKM“ is located there.

Music Festivals„DAS FEST“ in July each year, for example, is one of Germanys largest open-air festivals.

Trade Fair CenterInnovative events & international trade fairs

SportsKarlsruhe has more than 1,500 sport clubs that offer 60 different kinds of sports. Awide variety of sport clubs are also based within the KIT for students.

MOBILITYIt is the most bicycle-friendly metropolis in southern Germany (ADFC 2015)

High frequency tram network for a car-free city center

Comfortable & fast to reach via train from all over Europe: Paris 2.5 hours, Amsterdam 5.5 hours, London 6 hours, Prague 7 hours

One of thewarmest & sunniest places in Germany:


Carl Benz School of Engineering Benz School...· 2017. 11. 24.· Engineering Energy Engineering Curriculum of the Bachelor Program What`s the program all about? The B.Sc. program - [PDF Document] (12)

Quick Links to the CBS


Application Portal



B.Sc. International Mechanical EngineeringWhat you should know!

Bach e lor of Sci ence (B.Sc.) from the Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (KIT)

Global Production Management, Automotive Engineering, and/or Energy Engineering

Study Mechanical Engineering in English at one of the best technical universities worldwideOptimal international study environment with safe on-campus housing, mentoring & serviceExclusive hands-on industry training at e.g. the DAIMLER AG, Robert Bosch GmbH or Carl Zeiss AG

High school degree recommended: IB, A-level, AbiturExcellent grades in Mathematics & Physics (e.g., HL or AP)SAT (Math & Evidence-Based Reading and Writing; at least 1.200 points)English proficiency test (e.g. TOEFL, IELTS or TOEIC)Proficiency in German not required, German language classes are offered

October each year (winter term); we recommend the participation at the CBS pre-semester from August - September each year for an ideal study preparation.

Applications can be submitted starting in November each year

Key Facts

Academic Requirements

Program Start

Home countries of CBS students


Carl Benz School of Engineering

Mechanical Engineering College of the Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (KIT)

International Department of the Karlsruhe Institute of Technology gGmbH

Schlossplatz 19

76131 Karlsruhe


Phone: +49 (0) 721608 47880

Email: [emailprotected]


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Publisher: Carl Benz School of Engineering

Photos: KUKA Aktiengesellschaft (Cover); Daimler AG; International Department GmbH; Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (KIT);;; Robert Landwehr

Edition 06|2017

Please visit the Carl Benz School website for additional information.

Carl Benz School of Engineering Benz School... · 2017. 11. 24. · Engineering Energy Engineering Curriculum of the Bachelor Program What`s the program all about? The B.Sc. program - [PDF Document] (2024)


Is Carl Benz School of Engineering good? ›

What's new? Located in Karlsruhe city, the Carl Benz School of Engineering (CBS) is a highly-ranked institution that offers higher education in mechanical engineering. It is a constituent of the Karlsruhe Institute of Technology established in the year 1825.

What is the ranking of Carl Benz School of Engineering in QS? ›

QS ranks Carl Benz School of Engineering's Mechanical Engineering program at #36 in the world, in 2023. Counted amongst top 100 in Engineering colleges in Germany, as per ARWU in 2023. #124 for Engineering in the world by National Taiwan University (NTU) rankings in 2023.

What did Karl Benz study in school? ›

The family was poor, but Benz's education was a priority and he excelled as a student. He was admitted to the University of Karlsruhe at age 15 and graduated in 1864 with his mechanical engineering degree.

Where is Carl Benz School? ›

The Carl Benz School of Engineering, also known as CBS, is a college within the Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (KIT), a prestigious public research university in Karlsruhe, Germany.

What is the hardest engineering class in College? ›

Below are the top 8 hardest engineering courses students will encounter:
  • Aerospace Engineering. ...
  • Chemical Engineering. ...
  • Computer Engineering. ...
  • Architectural Engineering. ...
  • Biomedical Engineering. ...
  • Mechanical Engineering. ...
  • Nuclear Engineering. ...
  • Electrical Engineering.
Jun 3, 2024

What is the top 1st engineering school in the US? ›

The best engineering school in the US is the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT).

What is the world's first car? ›

On January 29, 1886, Carl Benz applied for a patent for his “vehicle powered by a gas engine.” The patent – number 37435 – may be regarded as the birth certificate of the automobile. In July 1886 the newspapers reported on the first public outing of the three-wheeled Benz Patent Motor Car, model no. 1.

How much did Karl Benz's first car cost? ›

The First Car. The Benz Patent-Motorwagen built in 1886, is widely regarded as the world's first automobile; that is, a vehicle designed to be propelled by an internal combustion engine. The original cost of the vehicle in 1885 was $1,000.

Did Karl Benz invent anything else? ›

In addition to the automobile itself, Benz also invented the spark plug, ignition, throttle, gear shift, water-filled radiator, clutch, and carburetor.

How old was Karl Benz when he graduated? ›

Benz graduated on 9 July 1864, aged 19. Following his formal education, Benz had seven years of professional training in several companies, but did not fit well in any of them. The training started in Karlsruhe with two years of varied jobs in a mechanical engineering company.

What is Karlsruhe Institute of Technology ranked? ›

The THE (Times Higher Education) University Ranking 2023 ranked Karlsruhe Institute of Technology. The university has moved from 180 in 2022 to 189 in 2023, an Declining trend. However, Karlsruhe Institute of Technology has moved from 141 in 2023 to 119 in 2024 in the world as per the QS World University Ranking.

Does SLU have a good engineering program? ›

Saint Louis University (Parks) 2023-2024 Engineering Program & Specialties Rankings. Saint Louis University (Parks) is ranked No. 183-202 in Best Engineering Schools. Schools are ranked according to their performance across a set of widely accepted indicators of excellence.

What is the highest rated engineering school? ›

Top 100 Ranking U.S. Engineering Schools
1Massachusetts Institute of TechnologyVisit
2Stanford UniversityVisit
3University of California – BerkeleyVisit
4Purdue University – West LafayetteVisit
96 more rows
3 days ago

Which UCSD College is best for engineers? ›

UC San Diego Jacobs School of Engineering

The Jacobs School of Engineering ranks #1 in California, and #1 on the West Coast, for research expenditures.

How good is GMU engineering program? ›

That being said, GMU's engineering program is typically ranked in the top 150 engineering schools in the United States. The rankings may not be as high as some other well-known engineering schools, but they still hold a respectable prominence in the field.


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Author: Pres. Carey Rath

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Name: Pres. Carey Rath

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Introduction: My name is Pres. Carey Rath, I am a faithful, funny, vast, joyous, lively, brave, glamorous person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.