The Shreveport Journal from Shreveport, Louisiana (2024)

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TODAIPS NEWS TODAY-WITH TODAY'S PICTURES THE SHREVEPORT JOURNAL SHREVEPORT-BOSSIER CITY LA MONDAY NOV 2 1970 THIRTEEN 1 By Licht (I) TRANSPORTATION (185) Autos By Dick Turner BEAR IT (Q) REAL ESTATE SALE(Q) REAL ESTATE SALE(S) MOBILE HOMES GRIN AND (14E) II" esidential Homes 1(160) Wanted Real Estate iiiir "I Iry is' rrv (160) Wanted Real Estate (Q) REAL ESTATE SALE'CARNIVAL (146) Residential Homes HIGHLAND N1ce1y furnished 3 i rooms bath walk-in closets garage Adults F165-1721 II 1 111VE DON' to MEET NEED a buyer your home? Call 0 k06t0tti10Wfi01tOW NEED a buyer tor your borne? Call IT I- 1111 I l'ILL I 235 Explained 16' i RALLY r-ea-61 70tiLG141' i 1 few SNORT) 411c us for qualified buyer information SWANN LAKE REALTOR SO1-7651 COMPETITION selling Out Fast NEED LISTINGS CALL LANDMARK REALTY 7477931 wE MAKE 19 BUYERS WAITING! CALL HARV1LL 46-0201 I I WOULD YOU LIKE SOMEONE TO TELL YOU HONESTLY ALL ABOUT 235 1114 to -Len Big Discount on 70's HARDY BUICK PONTIAC GMC TRUCKS Call Direct 4225506 Hwy 1 Vivian Used Cars BLEY MOTOR CO 1301 Market Ph 423-6141 convertible air and power real dice $600 43-3419 2739 Lakeshore '66 MALIBU SS Credit no problem Coody's 320 Texas BC 7424900 '65 OLDS Financing arranged by phone Coody's 742-4900 '64 BUICK One owner Credit no problem Coody's 320 Texas BC 74749M LISTINGS NEEDED Lester Realty 631-1535 EQUITIES I ool If rs 7 4 540 -4 41 avi I i i'''' 41 7 1 -V411 I 1 C' 6 II 404 11 r'i 4 Ar a -gio-- 4 00041111111111'ims6 I 6 ROOMS REDECORATED S11SCIO 113 Merrick Owner 422-192? "235" HOME LOAN Let Judi Coleman Tell You Like It Is With the belo of the Feder Government now you can buy new homes and not have to pay the high interest rate Monthly gaYments based On yinur income (in other words You pay what you can afford) JUDI COLEMAN enjoys helping MOD Let her explain the program to you 631-1466 63 -0867 Burks Real Estate BRICK HOME ON 3 ACRES 3436 Hickory Ridge off Meriwether Rd near Ford and GE Plant 7 ears old 3 bedroom 1142 bath Large kitchen -family room built In range Fenced Bargain $20300 2218 ALGONQUIN 15900 Lovely large 3- bedrOorn dining area built-in range fenced yard 9350 Down 635-6853 Lois Maywiell 631-1751 PIERREMONT 4 bedroom 2 bath 512 interest Owner will carry some 2nd RED RIVER REALlse w-5221 94041175 635-1568 1 coC mALL --r pyo mtoto 11 '9 ---0" 1134 i 4 Ottr C1WC '31' ''l '2A411111''ort'4'24411e16'6' jL 0 "to I de ----7- 1 1 TONsdbet 's SNORt alt $: 12 1 -vtAkt 1'---71-e6 '''51' t2'2: 2 Jed? )444 411 'Pd vvy-T vi "41 4trit 7-- tett 1-0y tipt 1110 -co le'leillo ir li 74" -ell LARGE AMOUNT NO PROBLEM CASH FOR OLD RUNDOWN HOMES 635-6411 KNOWLES 635-Ac75 WE BUY EQUITIES AND TRADE McCollough 686-0646 6ee-beti5 6F16-2523 ilkgteee ARE YOU SELLING? buy your equity Phone 422-3923 Someone who enjoys explalaing and really believes it a great home loan and something people deserve? Call DORA COLEMAN for a full exPlanation of how it works and let her analyze your situation and advise YOU how to qualify She'll also tell you all about available locations (Shreveport and Bossier floor plans and features DORA COLEMAN 7462515 142-9196 or after 600 868-8740 BY the way we're open Saturdays and Sundays for YOUR convenience After all we ell have to work don't we' GREAT SCHOOL AREA 849 Drewory in Southern lot with oodles of trees 3 bedrooms Piz baths kitchen-family room double carport central heat and air A real "ole-time" bargain at $19000 746-4919 MONC 1E F-GI LL 861-0891 212 EAST 15th 2 bedrooms 112 baths dining garage fenced yard with gas grill 635-9526 PR ESSON 631-2917 Custom Builders WU BUILD TO SUIT WISE BROTHERS Best Buy On Mobile Home Market 1970 Fleetwood 64'x14' 3-bedroom 112-bath $6295 1970 Buddy 60'x12' 2 or 3-bedroom $4295 See Us Before You Buy Jerry's Mobile Homes Sei Texas B0 742-0415 4336 Texas 742-2681 Students People Or Anyone Can boy a Mobile Home at PENRO'S Stott In and look over our large display Prices start as low as $3195 (Pest Value In the State) (We guarantee to save von money) EQUITIES Peyton Realty 865-4644 1MMEIMI 65 MERCURY Real note Financing arranged by phone Coody's 742-4900 76-4 OLDS Credit no problem Coody's 320 Texas BC 742-4900 '65 BUICK Extra nice Financing arranged by Phone Coody's 742-4900 '63 NOVA SS Credit no problem Coody's 320 Texas BC 742-4900 '65 SUPER SPORT Financing arranged by phone CoodY's 742-4900 '66 GALAIXE 500 hardtop Financing arranged by Phone Coody's 74'2-4901 60 RAMELER Wagon Good hunting car $175 159 Freemont M1-0535 '62 PONTIAC Station Wagon Extra CiP1111 Bargain em-otss 1962 FORD Falcon by owner clean 865-1361 1966 PONTIAC Tempest V-8 4 door fully egUiPried nice and clean S795 473-2CY22 '65 PLYMOUTH Convertible 383 4 barrel bucket seats good tires coneole automatic floor shift clean 8614726 '67 MALIBU Cotioe radio and heater standard shift 6 cylinder 6- 1414 A-- V41 It 2 011111111milEb a ItYAtt ItY CONSTRUCTION INC PH 636-6371 WE BUY EQUITIES Strain Real Estate 6961619 646-2I319 LISTING NEEDED RENTALS SALES -LEASES WYNINGER RLTY 423-7754 422-31363 422-3041 WE BUY EQUITIES Joke Ct! 472-6234 NEED NEW LISTINGS! TUBERVILLE OFFICE 68A-inci "235" OUEENSBORO 4t And in seeking re-election I stand four square against compulsory retirement of faithful public servants" NEW brick homes for low income families Air conditioned Good school district Low monthly payments Call for more Information (T) TRANSPORTATION 1(T) TRANSPORTATION Penro Mobile Homes 3912 Teves PC 746-6642 9r0 Goorgil PoMon IL 75 71(18 30 YEARS TO BLIV OR SELL Cell Pills Reath' 423-13BR "When I said we'd make agame out of cleaning up the yard I didn't mean bide-and-seek!" (1:1) REAL ESTATE SALE) REAL ESTATE SALE (146) Residential Homes Residential Homes wwww COLLEGE oft Carrie most 826 Camilla attractive 2-bedroom home on nice lot a pleasure to show Reasonably priced Anderson Island Sparkling big 3 ARK-LA-TEX REALTY bedroom brick lots of cabinets and RA5-5194 635-5729 868-0852 Storege drapes carpet Anderson island Sparkling big 8 becionom brick lots of cabinets and storage 7 air units drapes carpet Wright Bldr 861-3980 car Phone 475-5903 or RM-3393 (785) Autos 'M CHEVELLE SS 396 A-Spud trammisslort posiTRaction rear seat '67 PLYMOUTH Radio heaterisoeaker vinyl ronf radio Color car Phone 425-5903 or RM-3393 'M CHEVELLE SS 396 A-Speed trommiSsiOrt posiTRaction rear seat (175) Auto-Truck Renoir speciaoist ARK-LA-TEX MOTORS 4244416 (177) Wonted to Buy HAVE QUALIFIED BUYER tor large home in nice neighoorhood Prefer near school Ruth RiPPY Realtor gal-7863 SERVING THE A -I A -1' AREA Large Inventory of mobile homes 235 Matador red Nice $ten WILLIAMSON CHEVROLET Vivian la Sort Phone 494-274 1 SEI CHEVROLET 4 dnor white air POWPr runs gond S2N3 1168-Olk4 aOoW0WP40W6ftftlpoW00 SILVER PINE VILLAGE OFF Jeweils near Merriwether Road New 3 and I bedroom brick homes with fireplaces and pine treas 121900 up David Moore Development 6M-705I or 6860805 bC SI85 CLOSING Lovely 3 bedroom extra den big fenced lot All freshly redone Vacant HARVIII 744-0203 3 BEDROOMS 2 BATHS WOOD BURNING FIREPLACE $23500 ARNOLD CONST CORP 886-1746 BROADMOOR Fresh and Pretty brick separate dining carpets central heat $15500 CALOWAY 423-7427 8655831 200 DOWN 9900 MONTH 3-2 AND A SUNSHINE KI1CPEN SOUTHWOOD TERRACE 865-6581 INTERNATIONAL SERIES HOMES WE HAVE SOLD DOWN on listings Need homes in Oueensboro to sell 631-2881 Beck Rity 635-070e 3037 BURSON DR 3 bedroom brick carpeted Equity $6000 Balance 8614959 I 47) Residential Lots power sleering excellent condition SIOSO S46-2220 Shanoa loo La 1945 IMPALA SS "327" automatic air power steering clood condition See 9134 Plom ARA7017 1961 LINCOLN Continental loaded vinyl top tilt wheel low mileao9 1-Owner $2195 EARL'S AUTO MART 749-452n 3n0 wondering About 235 HI-CASH for Late Model Cars NOLEN AUTO SALES 112A Texas Aye Phone 1251200 Metropolitan Motors SLIM SELL TRADE 2Ann Linwood Ave Ph 425-7711 Holmes Pontiac Co Inc Best Prices on Used Cars 1:122 TEXAS AVE 177-4021 WANTED For EXPORT laie model cars Station wagons pirkuos POST MOTORS INC 2o00 Linwood 425- When you buy wouldn't you like the Most House Most Lot Most Trees Most guilt-Ins Most Color Choice VA or FHA bargain HARVILL 746-6208 McLEOD EX-7-Bedroom near schools Plenty of shade trees Large lot $5750 (214) 796-4227 Pine Hill Park 3 EEDROOM 2 baths paneled den with fireplace Fenced yard Good assumption O'STEEN REALTY CO MLS 6116-3834 REALTOR NEAR WOODLAWN 3 bedroom brick den fenced s290n equity $78 DIXIE RLIV 064We "Call Beckett Realty" New Homes 747 2Afk In Pos 5ier 714-07f1 Boucher-Slack "Today" Hrimes from $74950 In Htontinatnn PArk 6R6-0A0 Dom't be afraid to ask! Join the many rood homeowners we've helped to quality for 235 You save money and gain satisfaction Call Dora Coleman any time 746-2515 74-9196 or nites 868-8740 Best homes and hest locations (179) Airplanes 8 Service PARTS-SERVICE-INSURANCE FOSTER MOBILE HOME SALES 4345 Greenwood Rd 6359711 '67 FOREMOST 12 52 eleUric home or office unusual 686-7846 72 14 Henske 3 BEDROOMS 114 bath carrels throughout dishwashpr TONY LEWIS MOBILE HOMES 3062 Texas BC 746-291A 742-2683 f165- WE MAKE Loans on used mobile homes 60 months financing COMMERCIAL SECURITIES 1574 Kings Hwy 865M61 (168) Campers Traders 69 CHEVROLET V-11 automatic factory power hrekp with '49 NU-WA camper sleeps 4 toilet air cooditioning $3900 423 9714 746 6453 WANTED: long bed wide wheel base pickup cover 1970 F00 Ford (II FKI-34111 CAMPERLAND INC Bossier City La IN pm' 747 MO CAMPFIRE aort NU-WA campers trailers and covers parts accessories and repairs 235 (R) FARMS ACREAGE trF277 MgtiiiiNtKg7t71777: 773 FOR arms ana acreages call John Lanza 635-13317 1365-5197 Chas A Giglio Realtor NO RISK Acres on Parish Rd 10 Minutes from S'port Money back if you Change Your mind Owner 635-37114 MEADOWLAKE FARMS miles south of Western Electric Tracts from 14 acres to e-acres Easy terms Mobile homes welcome 6M-0944 JACK DUNN 631-7341 60 ACRES with minerals NE of Rodessa La Hosston La 267-3537 Ito ACRES land 9 miles from Plain Dealing 124 3495 JIM WISE Real Est Ate Realtor lAcreage and Commercial 471-6734' 19e ACRES close to Elistineau Fenced and cross tented Suitable for home sites and CAMP Bfrkett PPAIN 719 71001 7464776 RIVER FARM 410 ACRES moon ose cotton 'payments 100 acres coestal onorl home good barns On two paved roads Well financed CPS (425-1595) 714-5124 94041179 4770110 365 ACRES pasture and timber 5 TO to ACRES Hereford Rd LAGRONE REALTOR 4722517 oos-rwl 44 ACRES South int Linden apProx 4 miles Hwy 59 425 Frordage Good business location or a beautiful home site 6 Room repairable or a lot of rod lumber 56750 (214) 796-4727 SAVE FORDS Claude De Beaux Ford Vivien Shreveport Ph Used Cars NATIONAL MOTORS 1171 TEXAS AVE PH 4754144 '66 JEEP Wagoneer 327 VS air wheel drive 1 owner sold new Siing our price $2195 BRANCH BROS Sorloghill diet direct 423 2444 66 CHEVROl ET Hardtop loaded extra nice mechenically wood low rip' no down rAyment $AM roar month 472 57114 61 PLY MOU1 Station wagon Extroi clean excellent condition Factory eir StancMrd 1111SO 4253019 '69 NOVA 15000 Arius miles 307 speed Air power brekes net steering SIMn CAll efter 44419 '69 OLDSMonli 911 luxury SerlAn Air conditioned power steering brakes windows seats redio healer mir condition Beautiful Dark Green with light Green vinyl loco Cell GRADY Wil CHER at Harter lincolmMercurY 1010 Shreveport BerksilMe Hwy Ph MI 1565 '63 MERCURY Comet 2 door hereltop A cylinder slandard S595 Dee ler 472- lest) Southern Hills g0 hool district you can have hemse built to suit you S100 down with low low monthly payments ALEX RICE CONNER'S MOTOR CO Used Cars Bought and Sold 221 Barksdale Blvd BC 424-0036 CALL OR COME 1111Y! BY OWNER 'AN Camaro SS Convertible alr power in warranty 111995 Call 868-9616 or RAS STAI 10 MERCEDES 190-Diesel fair condition $425 861-0904 Good or No Credit LOW DOWN WILL HANOLE 'Al CHEVROLET erloor V-8 AlltAMAtir Air 81295 '65 CHEVROLET Impala 2-door Hardtop So9S 'AA CHEVROLET Imnala 4-clonr automatic air Denver 67 CAMARO 2-door Hardtop 4-snatad $1195 IA FORD LTD 4-door Hardtop air power Stt95 'M FORD Station Wagon A Vinod4r standard ST95 CrtrEMAN'S AUTO SALES 477 loor BY OWNER: '69 Camaro PS convertible It's fast and a beauty! IIM-992o sr at 701 Alth '62 RAMBLER 4-door Custom A automatic clean S775 Agent 65 Rambler American Wagon Sh9i Montgomery Motor Co 7619 Greenwood Rd Ph 611-4S41 'M CHEVY Credit no problem Coorty's 370 Texas BC 704900 '67 OPEL Financing arranged bY Plinne' CoMY's 742 40M 62 FORD Credit no problem Coady's 320 Texas PC 742 4900 'SS CHEVROLET Credit no problem Coody'S 320 Iola SC 47-Aom aII this for the 381119 Monthly payment if you ad ALEX RICE 425-11 5d 6964493 6044422 BEVERLY ST BC Nearing completion Choose your own colors 3 bedroom brick Can be bought on 235 Call for information GI BSON CONST 6150118 ISAP-11150 63S 4144 2do1141 CENTENARY 3 bedrooms 3 baths good condition $12500 SWEENEY REALTY CD 865051 9304 BELDEN new 3 bedrooms 2 baths corner lot Oscar Cloyd and Associates 9694331 REALTOR 561-6593 Nims Builder i5fill build In University Terrace 861-3538 635-M71 --Slirner (Emma Lou) Realty Co Servoce FAR 7476 FOR ALL YOUR REAL ESTATE NEEDS MYRTLE FELKER MA-0361 or 11M-Mo9 ONE ACRE lot or I acre with well and septic Terms 680-09n5 McCOL1OUGH AM-OSM TWO 95 178' LOTS on Border Lime with all utiiiities and trees 81ACY1 each 631-1759 235" COUNTRY Homes large 1 acre lots will build to suit If nuslitied 422-41159 UNIVERSITY TERRACE Laroe corner Int owners 1105-12m SOUTH LARGE LOT IDEAL FOR BUILDING A5AA471 TRIPLE REALTY 000-7413 SOUTH SHREVEPORT 3 attractive bomesites on Pitch Pine Drive 1 KIRKLAND BAIRD INC 'REALTORS 4233611 'THREE residential tots suitable for "235" houses One in Oueensbor0 Two In Cedar Grove 475-5971 CHOICE WOODED HOME SITE In lovely South Ridge $3200 up All Utilities Restricted Frank Griosbv Realtor 424-0512 1 1(148) Suburban Property CLEARANCE WO Mocinl Mobilo Smuts Parade Station 2150 Barksdale Rivet Fityler City 42 MS coLEmAN TRAILERS KAMPER'S KORNLER MR-4452 55 6 70th Rank Fin4116ml I9M CESSNA Skithewk hours since meior overheul 17070 hours tote! time eirirame new moo new tires full panel red and while with hieck trim nice interior A and owned airplane not used for trainer nevcom 300 Mut a low frequency receiver 17300 firm Rob's Alm Service Sprinohl II La Phone (I81) foreign Sports '67 CORVETTE 471 4 Speed A-1 condition 23150 61Scit1S RY OWNER: 1269 Do Mon 2b00 excellent condition with extras Phone WAW Wray Import Motors BMC TRIUMPH DEALER We Buy Used Sport Cars 1nR Markot Fenoin 4t4S713 Datsun-Volvo Dealer WINNINGHAM MOTOR CO "We soy Sports Cars" 1540 TMWAS AV Phone 423 4471 Volkswagen Specialists wito Automotive SA 09 Cane (hot North of Hollywood) 6IS SAil YOKEM TovoTA INC AUTHORIZED TOYOTA OFAIER irm 0 oeloll et Linwood 1714621 PERSONAtt Like new MGC toed-stet' by owner 9700 mile 4 tneed with 2 overdrives wire wheels mehoneW IIrin 101001 leather seats many extras see to Romero eto contact Joe Rooth Jr 686-7300 or 2826164 4717fh as6303 47171 BROADMOOR ill 3 bad room fenced yard workshop $I3450 assume 107 FREMONT Big I bedroom 2 bath brick big lot with trees REDUCED! 323040 MARAK REALTY 1227772 3635732 LIST YOUR HOME WITH Audie Marsalis Rity M5-79A7 eiSS-7131 MARRIED DIVORCED SINGLE HERE IT IS! SWAMPERS PICK-UP COVERS 7RAVEL TRAILERS CAB-OVERS up Fein's Tex Aro 1 Onn MArkpt 13-11114 ACREAGE? Al sires 7 ecreS 4 acres acres 8 acres 11 acres 15 Minutes? Airi ine bistrict $600 down tnr 3 hadroome We bath brick central heat and air vacant filiRDINE REALTY 74A-Me1 buy see the niost beautiful lots for "215" In Woodlawiv and Southland Park JOHN WEB STEP Bldr 472-6167 THE COLORS ARE MATCHED THE PRICES ARE RIGHT DON'T TONIGHT INTERNATIONAL SERIES HOMES! TOWN SOUTH ESTATES 665-6S81 SHAM' GROVE Bossier s22no annoy and assume 6 loan Monthly Osserents se:) 3 bedrooms hardwood floors las range fenced yard rarriort e237no7 BELLAIR 1219 Holliday 1 Nock from base elate 3 bedroom rerleorwated By owner 747d105 SOUTHERN HILLS 1139 select Aron adorable 3 bedroom 2 bath den on lovely 101'107S' lot 61S-9229 COLEMAN PITY 41161ri1 NEW 3 and I bedroom brick homes si75no to COMM SUN CITY DEVELOPERS INC Hwy 71 South (See Sion) 74611114 R45 SOUTH GATE Shreve Island 3 bedroom 117 bath near lementarY srhool PEAL LOCKE and Associ alos Sal O565 Wm Powell 868-1387 BC me Delhi St Rent or sell for $391 down with or without furniture IpAk Pity 476905 CAR LOANS Now! (And anytime!) Pioneer Bank Trust Co 235 CLEARANCE SALE WHILE THEY LAST Save $200 to $500 th1 nf PintiI romper 3-11' Skampor Fold Olits Travel Trailer Sli1r111 asKEoliT Price 1970 MODELS Butler Camprr City 1741 S'eart-Parkcrial Hwy (Across From Shreve City) WW1 DUPLEX Cernenary Blvd 5n excellent Income property or home and income S17300 Owner will finence Phil King 1361-4452 Southern Hills "235" 3-Bedroom 2 bath or 4-bedroom 2 beth homes by Alex Rico Rinkinto Built-ins centre! airbeat Pick rim xhihrs Why not get the best Call 425-1130bn 686-11493 61162427 WPSTEker HILLS 4115 Pines Pd 0 bedmoms 2 beths brick on large lot snno to assume $1117 per marrth 5charmen Pity 6151333 4231211 loti SUPER SPORT Financing arrarogrYI by phone CrtOrty'S 747-19(11 '60 (HP YSI imperial I aSaron krineir Hardtop Mr COnflit011011 automatic trancMMIOn POWOr StOprtub tyska" window' "eat end" enntrol radio heater Reautillit Avacarin Droon with dark groom vow top 11479" Call (1101 sANOF RS AI Mortar I merlin-PO0mi ry IMO VirovapnrtFlarkutaig HWY Ph PM isAs USE CAPS ROUGH AND SOLD you AUTO rail or come RUY COODY MOTOR COMPANY INC 320 Igxess PC 742 104 IS FOR YOU Find out ohnut it bv ening ALEX RICE intiro Ae4 fliA2i1T7 $500 DOWN 7114 BRANTWAY Smolt 2 bertryinm horn on tree stoileled Ins Pevel SrPPS fenced wird total price SIS00 Owner will tinenre Rioht! IS mlnitte5 to city Writs hear Or noosed 4 ione hIghwelf Cash? Not nero5Ter91 Sma I down 999- monic excellent tern with fmencinti Ranchland Acres Inc entfe Memtield 611419611 fir 11A53195 att' 9011f Vas we're OM Stindey NFAR Shreveport 125 Acre excel lent 'lecture lend erring fed Itond rrms tented Atwell 40 notes thribtr SIM err RI SIMMInrit PAS 211 1000 ACRES for deer fence with modern chin 10 Acre 65 miles of Shrevenotl 921-4444 Arhenias Erfwerd5 tA ACRES on Jeherson -Paitht Rd 990 ft tronteoe Timbal GLENN INFISH REALTOR 475-9464 Member FDIC I9'9 1 IIIMPil IR3 Owner $iPi otAi Man (182) Antique Care Butler Camper City o1101161 '69 EDW Roogor 4 door WIDE OPEN COUNTRY LIVING on small acreage 10 miles South of Rosier No pollution no city noise small private 'eke rancid schools A fine place to live Only 21 lots $1000 per acre Financing available us-Rsic MOORINGSPOR austmiNG NOW New brick homes restrirted area Inw down poiyment and notes Pat Patterson Anil or ee1-6111 CLOSE IN-2 3 acres 3 bedrooms 7 baths A11 condition wood burning fireplace derio well fenced yard Herrit Jr Peeltor neeSr2e COUNTRY HOME All electric 3 bedroom 2 tieth brirk home on IS acres of rlver bottont land 12 MM SOilth of Prissier (AY valued at 847000 Phone 473-0519 Also tmelt acreene fiLANCHARD Lacey Garden ViSiOn 3 hedroom 112 bath all brick Ye acre lot Choose your site today Quality Builders 477-0774 everilorm ii14 7rin9 NEAR North Crass Lek 30c1 Ertsno St 7 bedrooms large garage large lot IWO 477-1714 COUNTRY LIVING on acres away from City finite and congestion All electric 3 hedroom 2 hath brick home 12 miles Snlith of POWPr reedy to nrcurv nein Smell We good schools $2S000 ALSO SMALL rm C11119 'M OLDS 477 nif power automatic oy owoor 4197 1SQUIRE MOTORS Ft1111tADF-131)1-FINANCE Ifl ovoo Avo en-109 MACKEY INC HARREL MULKEY JR NEW! NEW! NEW! GREEN BROOK SUBD 200 new home-sites St Vincent at 86th St TRAVEL "'PAU FRS Itvr cadly ArIsthCMt Scolmmin Vmstinnsirt TENT IRAII EPS SrAmnitE TRUCK CAMPERS Ettonnwr Enmo Itsle ports Anti arcewlroos Servo And repAir MI nviity4 Earnnerit And trAilAra frir rAll4 Onn 'til fimrk Orton 'till 4 StolordAyit S'AmtRarleAdollo Hwy AcrotA ttnm Shrove City 868-3621 161radel roonnmt SFCROcultNayONsZaLo en inn tin call direct 9491CIA SPELDE FORD INC 0110 Mn Minclema A IORI pnAntr slowing inlv Iy7 ie lnwn PoWmeni 151 per Month POO Plinth 4117 ArN4 OOPS WE 6001-1D WA orderer inn minor IVOIA011 SAVO on PP Chrysior Alwrmiolh Covina or American MnInris car 14Ardy Snn Mninch Vivian I MAI 'inert 11 19A1 CHI VOLT Imorila II Vim cninni Air cnndnneno pnwar Offika PMVOW sPering4 tpan $PA finrincing ArrAneren All Wig (183) Trucks Trailers OWNER 'PS Pe ton Chovy oicktirt griewl how now Won RoA (-tWhtr174 'ter '-Inn Chevy pickup frott shorn now tiro moutcrp OWNIR '66 too ord stoke body etoott Ahmeo now tiro AMI Ws) 194 CHEVROLE I to Ion Iona hoot heo A 1641 ofter '61 FOPpo 11 too pick up VA muot 4At Sigs 044 WI Day e611-6517 Nicht Afte-1391 1145-15us RENOSLL (On Southern) furnished assume Cs mort S2S00 MaReARFT KING latiPS1 235" SOUTHERN HILLS Convenient to schools and shopping New 3 sedroom brick home built-ins ofiYments from $AS up lame lots with trees Will build to suit you 686403 Yancey 606447 atter Snirtm wirmiaNn 3 bodromm 2'4 booth Serarato diming mom NW eq101000d kitrhim built-in bar on park likt Setting LUxuRinus Piorromnnt Arr Knme Innelscapsid with hirst hostssi swimming Pstras inchigg Wand bath horn Wire hutitin walnut briskotrnnt Lorne Hvin rikgst-ilinirte risnm don With bitilt-in br taros kltrlum with broskinst area 3 bdroom3 2'4 baths A7 AIPI ANF Man 17Cri '64 (MANI' MX $415 GDANT'S IAfl Perlfsdela 11 69 1101)(cF Super Ref OA un nevment5 pawn' le 112611n Excellent rnnolltIon AMA 1797 I'Mot Fitt CON Future 4 dnnr clean' 511i eller 5 pm IVA 5161 la( FinAntimo Availablo Bossier City Motor Co Ill71 Flerlf5dele Blvd 411 19A1 CHF VY AelAir fertnry ow mow stoorino notel brollwo radio Ann hooltro VA Call 423-61411 After 5 MS 17Ai 1964 1 LE 6-StANDARD illA DPooter 47? 4409 9ACRES 641(1 OPFF14WOOD Pm 3-hotirw1ms don contrAl fair horns stocked WO fenred thirh VA GRAYSON 686-3302 ARA 1Ati A411716 47? 7714 (165) Wont Farms Acreage WANIFP): Arromoo And forms Any sit Coll John tonto 4364317 1166-6197 (hos A fordo Pltr (IASif For forms CrPACIP holt ornnorty Itodividod intoros1 futkor nnw pool Sin under deuelorment is fine of Shreveport's first REALLY planned Area With concrete streets condor ground drainage cul-de-sec planning end Olav ems tor the children NPW homes will be weighe under VA FHA and VA Aireedv ti4kono arolieottelni so got nn the bend wagon ono of the choirs IntS Cell 1)0RA COLFMAN 744-2Cli 7129194 or Nilo IHO-Val and let hor hop woo rietalify fmr 715 A 235 Picture DRIVF 10 reek Mndo Ig I-7 Pnnrnelmn-SISS CnIKI(()Pf) vAraknoNn COACHMAN SIINPECIWPR Vennhonds Are horol 217M SELF CnNIAINErt SIFWAFtt'S FR MI PS North on St M4r 0411 low nnPn 111 vo4044Avi 4 In SO CtosFri stINnAys (AmriNG IRAII ER '69 SWAMPER folly gelt container SiOOPS 6 CAW) AllTrt Sat FS i03 TEXAS aVrf4lIE HAUGHTON-2-Berfroom hOrn one 4crOh VSA1) 94994 oRD R000mar IRO flpAktd Peowlor tooting brAkom mot ctontIV tAmed Mdin TAkt top pAymentA OIAS 7RI PVPrIttinA 'AR ropn Pfritoop A evilv10r tottArp tAh Aw tondi format AlotomAtic ft AnAmmlom dm homier A hootoolohol Groom And Whit finith SIMI LAII GRADY INIICDP ft At Darhor I intedn Mows ty MIA RhtevAimrtPAtividAIA 14wy Ph RAI SentTr4raN MR ail Franceig 3 twIrnom don fironlaco 11 acre Low equity VETERANS No fIlwn ctntina cmt INTERNATIONAL SERIES HOMES 10441 Buster Gant Ford Inc shrveftrt 1 olrottorte No ICI MS nova PI Oil $ly anti saw money SUMMS Gpovi- mnmps offers figh gummy ucipti cars Mansfield ond rleturnety 1 lire Pd PY reelfIFP leall of bS Ltbffilrl crnAN WITH Al )(TPA WHITE WITH RIME INTERIOR NEW TIRE OAS Arlt 717-110 Office 869-2517 1970 CAMAPC-FT201 miltaalt Phqmo A'tor 4111 ma 'm NOVA a (Viinder aulomatic $12(vt 9os WILL PAY CAC14 Irw tarth1And goy liorAtiftli and price Write Pnx IAA limPs -Y 1 (S) MOBILE HOMES ON 'A clip vim' FT Piel tip (lit net PrfkOrn Cnrwhel WO Texas PC 147 Coln AA In4 POI 9077 7 bad( oom t4r0 ChM Ea' Sfreot IMAAF MATE octiorANt 3750 On (mil (v will taka mt on fir port of flown paymeoll Con AR 01997 You CAN Skirl A NFw HAFAE SS ronothly 117N) tieWin to moolified buyor Will build "235 homes" Son Curtis Seaman Sint the weaftwes turning cml and the kids fro bsek In schnol Isn't It mot to sit In time fatinrite chair ne listen to the coffee pork? And wouldn't If EVFN nicer to sit In wsur OWN Prone's tud cop 10 A 11 and ChOrtii Imentsible witt sort We can't ottnrd it rinht now? VOu'ffE WPONG Itto now riS FHA 14fIt114 tfWn hao rtiongool all that It's a twin few 'wow iis you tin IntOMIIII It allnw In porrhaso a now hrtmo with twill-in ramps and paneling tin an excellent loratinnt for about In of a telelar payment ICall Inc at fir MUM 11611-1l4A gnft toll Yee all shout It really efon't mind explaining at night either ()nett Crttetitele (150) Lesko Property souTH CPOSS LAKE Ink frreitage 3 bedroom 2 beth brick 7roe1er temIlv room rentrol heel firthwech Pr woritnop pier end boatAndaa 2112S0 Avotraptipp belence st A per rent AlC ISA CAMP South leltather nice rtsctic lake fronteft PO 440A LAKE REND In mole Pendleton Bridle off Hwy A 100 yard suns bfghway from flew motel Pusifc cedar All on water front Ready to occupy See thfs weekend Or CCII Quality Builders CAMP South loitathoto fly nice niche leko 'motor PO WA LAKE REND In intIll Pond felon Britton off Hwy A MO yordS suns highway from flow motel Rustic torlor all on water front P0ofty to occupy Sot this wookond or toll Quality Builders Builder 686-2364 Plymouths 1968s 1 rtnwr it stowing nir ronnitimtoil perwor brAkos rrintrort dera gond hrwit A interior are in anon tnaddion Thgo ir 4r Strom bon minl and twtol minor wort itch ss tons-itp 'tr atria mit city nuirraitun tar and will ho old taaV tolmv whOlocalow raorulmottha 111N1 COWn Oran to 11 Until stock la anid VI Vvmt fs 711 Mola 'MI MAI a 4 Omni' iftt1It mr attai 277 Vino 1 I pot tomno 11 CHF VP01 I 141404 44fior s4loon nItomatit pnvmw eir comittioFel 1A9 PAC INC Tlvs 17 4F4 in ()Pr- LS taritn hssior whits tiriK 4 Spowt Wirt) IV I tve) Divorcee or Widow? ROBERTS BLDR comnim hAnnis And bilileting in V411nrnnnh Subl 631741 HOUSE ARE EiriT AL WAYS HOMES 3 And 4 10- OPOOM EIMAAES IN InVIN SOLITIT ESTATES INTFPNATIIINAL PiFS Hrimpt ASSUMP1 iCH4 ShAdy Grew SAY4119 3 twirewini NA bionn rAtiorAl air range INIOrOriStOol rmoio fl yonre windy SIMI) rol OSVIIMIP Inv nlaro0 rate 14A-540 74A 4119i 'SI Will I lied) rick lip I WhAel drive Now Non te(S All (PRI WO Pt( IMPS 'At hovrolot toot(mit red Styli Sid Inft kola tvhoAl Roth In pond tontittpwi -lS1 lltinhor tSth 'AA (jil VP01 I Pirlitom rArbo hoAlor $19 pr (moth kW or no ilnwn rAymont Poen' ir? sh*t Scott Truck -tractor "Your Iplorpptimmt TruwP rloollPr" 5AIc rAp PVI( 1191 Nil 744 11A44 OR() POMO Aolomottc N( twf voty 'reit 47 A91 19e4 VY Van II deed tootPloth AVM All IlAt APM rifler di (ONVt RflF4i 1 oft hnliftm AIM MP 41)S 592 it rOnWNSI 'Al VOL IKCWAGr rothirir hontyr Amino" ParnehtAi 'An linigh 10795 sNrir RS get Hartor I 'mean Marrs ry Inun ShriovasImi Poirkviell0 Hwy Ph RAI AY tor Num 3 hodrneon mobilo rirMtt rnoto Carneora end fffilltrs horn with 12011 toddort room rind 2 btf ttrt-pey Ink Control hoot ond 2 air tooth' Oft Southside Coach "drau P4 or "WC' "fl to arrotoriote 965-02te or 9490013 And Trailer Sales tte 1- WI Menthol! rt ok KO MORIIE HOME Inns Sroirhorn APACHE CAMPitgr IPAILERS Arcroloinr 'tot Marltrt 474 Sail FS AND PENIALS roor irw US i OM EMIL I 19(1 Poritor'20124 Mourn Dr INtiv 1 Agi' fron oct Norirgytm MLA Trailer Co At 'VW 9)17 ittic rwhmaamel heowa nct oth onit dkArs07 7 rirtA I'l 0 Il IS Irma IPAII IP SAI fSh 4 mh Shashi and oth VA(ATInN or Rahramvol trailer lot Pill Patel Sao to 000rociato to motor hom*o httcho htalkai at HidaAvalt Harbor em Iniodo rnikhotto 917 Ana hld and air conditioning' in-Amid Enjoy arlvoto firth Wok with toliod I ot sitonlY all VOW pool pod roorso morino onnip Neely Trailer Sales Inc WHIP' ittaacItt 3IaIS Jawella Pd of t7OnA 4477A 330 pm 1010 7Thl Ignifog IIC ij SO All Mt VP10 rt 0 l'Iurnr AIRIRI AM 1PAVLL 1 0Ail PS PALL trndo Inr loke front tot 14 vw- "nnwb" Now and mod Porry Trit Slo itar trntA lair Call 14a 117 1 riintrreorns Bank Etraoring aVait al an ciiiion I a IWO Orton' other aro 011W11 PIVMent nrrt I 9 (19" Ir (152) Commercial nesse 0 JAR( RAFT OF SIMI yr PotiT ir AN ir pAO hatirlywoa fur- Camaqs and Trove Iroficrt ofsocci town roffioorenr woMinr 9244 mANcrirt 00 nod' hoot Vier 04 kw 270 for mot ARA 910 1 AA 7Al Ma mg Ss No roc Nov futitiort to orgoont tisr aNt motoomor at alkart month pr Yon" Aon redo fro Van Smith Realty (170) Mobile Horne Parito ctli 471 I' Wien I 11 19 MI Orrtl (191I mettele aro 11441 START PAT I OF Sttnt vr PouI CITIV4411 awl Travel Irolifort 9244 mANcrirt PO eat ales AM AP asS7711' wFO ILNI 1041L10 7471 YroFfor AAR 1170) Mobilo Horne Parito "235" New Home Intoth botirtutoM brick eantrl air and P01 built-in ronett tarn ranethd family 'ohm Why rant whon You cart boy' Monthly payment thtal no unlit Mu can Otord rati JON CALEmaty 0111P4 altaleY MANRY REALTY Co Bethune Area 3 leffronm both 'wick Ititchnh COMO lot AssumO or reboviro CEDAR GROVE Fin 77nfl St I PMoom horns rim 7 twironm rootal hornop oo some kg VA tor ronvonfionol MORRETOWN AREA Niro 7 'wormy'' home elo PWWS 111S0 And mum SS941 Car month rOgif01 Wird I fvoirrinrri hfrno elKo srhont 111n41 And avuom 11341 Car month rn4 va" tittinn IP010001 7442 Ark R141 7s7 44 Oil Vt461 flan 5 Ationt 1414 ParOselials Fltvol 47i New "235" Brick Homest(1 bAth PAIIWI4sfi flOtt IFFP CANTRFUL 41117410 ASA 74A AM f7A1 ARA SASci inpFFF CANTRELL 'AnA 7" AP f'141 AR4 49 '01 POW IAC Genn4 Pri Onwor clon In tno ngin now tit*' ooly I4 AIM MAI Ssport Auto Auction Flinty uonosnoot fir 47)11724 SAVt SAI i-SiJr Copeland Chevrolet inrOon tit Snort rh 17110A4 '046 OP it ions no Nora Ss7S Apht 118A Pool sdetio 17 I177 Al FM( oN Oolts Nome ps A2Ant 114 PAIrvinlo AN 1944 I ord tvlblm Ow? hitt 34 by romp? AMA 101 PI MMITH 4 elnw $l3S A90011 141A Pi qv 4A10 17 1177 IlAil41 vtrttodo 'MI 111d 7 efreW hat Whet WIth air finft powor In nnooio 1 m1 a2l AJI Ai IVO nnio no rhnno AAA pi Tp4oPTI Isogon '4 FttFVF1D I- Step van I sett new 741 Frettven '44 tsT I ael arnn or 4144pt 4 low er na rimers payment 477 S7114 tomrtt cs tic NOPTIO I rico( OP 4 Stannetel S77 Annt 141A PmSAnIP liwy 47 7477 A 'AA I(Pr) I Inn l'PJT A4 Ffirri 1 Inn S45 Gr Ant 14111 04414114 Ot Special Notice va INA St1 ISHS SSW IMM SIM down You con it You oli(y tor 0 now FHA "714" loan COOPER poAr) wetpmeill 11P4IVTRSITY PARK ARFL POyMilintli SS low as ASS te Fox Building Corp 04town smo '64 Chevy 4-Door $35 SOMetar fir hitt (POWS SECTION nfrIco bitlfrOnCh 2410 vs It $75on0 I READY TO OCCUPY ao 40s GIBSON REALTY Roctwonn oos 3 APPROXIAAATELY arrs D100 41k 4144 41S 4101 747 1141 nor egrpo Rivd Anornlint4ta1y 141 Aer4S Hart tnrogontwtnt 0014 CrirfelrL NIVr Sol PI HAS 3 AND 4 RI-DROOP from 110nel entruend for low wow rmoip vp imago ir10 nfluIflA kI (di Jona mtiler iror nohmlochsts 5S110 A MACKEY ch' A I14 A 444 INC r71" DeAltn ceNTINAay sEctioN nu" 1710114mq Lee vs ft snow AAA uns rooms IMO I I'r a arrsk No hhol Aeorektrnotola 7't Acres Hart nrrocr owl 4111ft t-1tIrlon I rw AI IONNIIE 'MAIL PA( 47 419C kisAir 47 r4V-047 1 fl( AI IONNIIE 104otFor nAr Alt AMU bAnd GML OotO hri3Oultr OM woorh wort $1(441 ffley 949 MIA Ate On cmi Pr 4S 'On "a iSi 1 Hmtdttoll loonlobel ootin all oleo low ow no 'Invert oftmonl A ot MI IC Ct LI IC49 Imo con Po oitnetortoo ow liteopo SIVA ow omt Oiler (11 enne 477 7147 Owl rt of 74 OA 617i ofiptt out wpm motnntoiltt stpt IMMO M00 $IVA TM solOor 4 rfn I Gills Realty-Builder (185) Autos II bode Onnt 11th is4nlood iTrhn fjiiy Wing Noi it mt rim4'os41 pow iriprot fluiro let mAtr pl 24 77' criwoot01 NIS in sit or ianriV41104 'wring int htrtirin fort So Nadi 1104 111) 0111Y01111 4 none sedan reettv (mod ar 111so 8 1 kontops 4 7 4444 00 Psv RAa ATI 74111717 67A174 AiFIINT nr 131s2cA TATE FFAI TY TiA srAfT 1 I MotAl tvnirlInn 71 WAT441044Int4 7 nonronm ivn sn II ()Hire VIA all It leit Itoronnev Ant on ronr 7 I1 no1111srn79 Mr evnrk Tn01 F4Tel ACSIOMA OA VA InAni MASONRY Annsinv FnnAnro Inn 'man onnyv A7 IVA 1frfy1 7 fronts WOO tn ft thvw trivia VE 1 PANS sing' rs rt Air rAAAiltrOMPI I WITT PAY ROVER $7171 eAcli 7 111" Sin am- a rArirrtrirn roonvvnnol VA oNwtwom I IN2122I1 1-Ammon's Int nyort DUNE BUGGY to I (14t1 rItIvoolot10 nrnal nvoner tAlS tAl RV Club Hoic cor 7 bort reirrh hritit central ho40 fen Off "tk V4rd qtfitY sume In nnt IA F1111( I( My1411 11179S Nino Owner 407 tlitS attar CLASSIFIED DISPLAY 7 PIM' MOR 7 towitonm 4017 1 ronhal at irallowl tendllinw woi AOtin7 317aft INA Aa97 PP i gal' inl 014 Wow inwstsw I Pil 17 io An brim 19iti I 1 m1P9 "Iwthwyw4 474' I 41 motor 4 romplatalst twristhatt Spa YriInt I oi ow' rt IVO! Pirko nr r4A rico 114 PARK Cm aPPO Linwood PP I $1 kS I WO boonom '7(1 Simliowor II' I cfnler' air ithewtorihi nnilt mr faroi 4t Oro loolo OA 416 SAW) mutt WI OP IPA 717A till ION( I Mt P11 il-tvF- I om litlii 1419 Amor A tys FAI IN 1 I li Naar GE Poi South rif iri Plattary Riley Mobile ()Rol 70th 63S-96751i PIVI Vii I ACI MOP II HOW I PAPP' Low Ims ooliorol was availabla Paawsnahlo 471 1111S IPA Home Sales Oworie nr 11elof Pf)V--1t- how rwohoo rorit arlithrilt with VW it Ott NearIA 4344 Texas St BC Paso S4S two" in halo water it 746-5140 "A AA thiiihrtieWl IA itiithil PAlly 141 IVA 7'0 1177 II Laititt irt M01111 $414 proip NOP 114 WrifIr7 1(4ity moil sv Pr 1 as paranaolw PAno if IP-IMF PAIDK Itovero est Al ohnot me Al! wow rioa Nor I oows-1 V7014 1-Pantal Purehor Plaq" 7 Mt AAA qA7A Oil Annutnemwo pi 1Ar Ws room a 477 ilik I Nil '1 Maorinmomf mtlo from florthwomf vim Os 4-1144 Attor 4 vr 417 I PM oil mnf rinommr1 WI (74) pA N1( Skt tIS APO) PRWTAt PESICTNTIALCOMMERCIAL 4 4 0117 Vr'nrFIELO 3 ifirctorns 445uhie ri4rtievrt builtfl l't bOttin $100 04n moNinth tvlfloot 614 Nitg 4ICE 1 bIDomfh oft Mfrwther Ql 2't ACRES McCullough 686-0646 diAirov mo573 ims10 00alladbalkata CLASSIFIED DISPLAY Av 'nun It9j41 net etnwn piovinen't- 1 antiri Cornmorcled FAIR rAI20( APEA 2 nn F4 '11? As ocr kit Owl 1 il LAM st fecal 0141 Ahn yowl '0 hss iI7 Atc14iPtf1NI SIIMPOt GPOVF 12siso 00 M4enfooll P1 SIAnn vvi Alt okt All tiolo chec sehonit losrl Sot nitneioof A souTH it ER IS Ny ilfk FPn imittv aml A me ssu S'6 Klett A Sour Realtor 2nn At ihmi dyt FMF OAP Fgito vw man tos4vinq a4 Akwo got! SIPA nvomtal won tint Pw $nne -4A1 47 $4'C Ant A(11(5- 447 pot At'7 WiLL1AJAtric4 CIO Vovion Min Illyin no now '70 emit and ttior I nolo fropto ti skilhsvant ttt VOW I U044 Ir or 1 anti nt rIkI ar Stir ennillintle glottrtAttine Vttittot I n'Aett rsno 4'1 r'41 9 voi 410 7 ()runt ridli Peol pwvo whtto clOom Ono myna $te Oi II I IAMV)04 totrvors Ft Vivon rmt 4470 JI II) olorn4sq 41) MI PLIIPi MOBILE VIORLD COOPER Pr All A04 9 4A Ct Wirr' SAgithOrtt litlivortoty stANtoN nossFtf ja 4114411 Av4111 64firehm He Ar 'SOS mftnr AAS HU r0iliti FHA TH St77nA I I Nr flAt rOfbef iverorty Ail 911 rlvo" on- rq (Inds" owl lAc twin 47141111 Kr)siER (fly A4rnorn All0 i 01 114 10 Mt (10000 COrriolr 01 Ae pp pAAA nc 2 toPronm inirtt 10An 110 Asc0iisit SA1 al 010 $oh 'wrath Froo ts2 DEA' TY 641room elnutve eargeort Ne4r1SPS mnne A1420F oe I i PAP( nc 2 to4ronnui WO $AO nvinth rt a----1 trir ho ui-r-i eit oi to AM 7 11 onoopt Soorinl 17cA1 1006 7W19 Ai) 10 kas steo 1S-01 thaw s-vu atipo 04 At crtlikirc 104 4 4 aP64 AN ilfr Infs pme A 1 noi Cnthran Ritv 635-771110nofiv mmwai An4 nnr 'Sint? 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Author: Kerri Lueilwitz

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Author information

Name: Kerri Lueilwitz

Birthday: 1992-10-31

Address: Suite 878 3699 Chantelle Roads, Colebury, NC 68599

Phone: +6111989609516

Job: Chief Farming Manager

Hobby: Mycology, Stone skipping, Dowsing, Whittling, Taxidermy, Sand art, Roller skating

Introduction: My name is Kerri Lueilwitz, I am a courageous, gentle, quaint, thankful, outstanding, brave, vast person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.